Diabetes- MODY Maturity-onset diabetes
Diabetes is a condition that affects individuals of all ages and is rising quickly as a result of changing lifestyles. However, there is an uncommon type of diabetes that affects young adults under the age of 25; it is inherited and can even strike those who lead reasonably healthy lives and are not obese. Due to a single gene mutation, MODY also known as Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young affects just 1-4 percent of all diabetes cases.
Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is a group of inherited disorders of non-autoimmune diabetes mellitus which usually present in adolescence or young adulthood. Up to 5% of all diabetes cases may be due to MODY. Any of several hereditary forms of diabetes mellitus brought on by mutations in an autosomal dominant gene that impair insulin production are referred to as maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY). MODY is one of the conditions known as monogenic diabetes along with neonatal diabetes. All forms of MODY are caused by changes to a single gene (monogenic) whereas the more common types of diabetes (especially type 1 and type 2) involve more complex combinations of causes involving multiple genes and environmental factors.
MODY is caused by a change or mutation in one of your genes. This is distinct from type 1 and type 2 diabetes which are caused by a combination of genes and other factors such as obesity. MODY causes a genetic change that prevents your pancreas from producing enough insulin a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.
The symptoms of MODY vary depending on which of your genes is affected. Some people may not experience any symptoms at all. However, the disease typically manifests itself gradually. You could have high blood sugar for years before noticing any of these warning signs:
Thirsty or hungry more frequently
Blurry vision
Skin or yeast infections
Weight loss
Ayurvedic View
Prameha- Here the word prameha means-root word 'mih sechane'meaning watering ,here urination,'pra' means excess in both frequency and quantity. Due to sedentary lifestyle and consumption of food that are heavy, unctuous, newly harvested rice, curd, excess of sweet taste etc, virudha ahara (incompatible food), adhyashana (intake of food before digestion of previous food) etc, causes aggravation of kapha dosha, which affects dhatus like medas (fat), mamsa (muscle), udaka (lymph) etc, along with low digestive power, these dushitha dhatus (vitiated body fluids and tissues) is taken down towards urinary system,causing diabetes.Due to predominant dosha involved there is various symptoms but main symptom is excretion of aavila mutra (unctuous or turbid urine) with change in normal color of urine. Ayurveda way of approach is to correct manda agni (metabolism), bring dosha back to prakruta avastha (healthy, balance state), reduce the symptoms and preventing the complication by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment and medicine, guiding towards follow of healthy diet and lifestyle.Ayurveda will help in control of diabetes.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Avagaham Churna pinda swedanam Lepanam Vamanam Takra Dhara Kashaya Dhara Thalapodhichil
Naturopathy Treatments
Hip bath Arm & foot bath Abdomen Pack Enema Eye pack Mud therapy Mud Pack Reflexology Chromotherapy Magnetotherapy Manipulative therapy Diet therapy Clinical yoga Cyclic meditation Pranayama
Diabetes- MODY Maturity-onset diabetes
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.