Churna Pinda swedanam

Churna pinda swedanam / Podikizhi
Pinda in sanskrit means Bolus. All types of Pinda swedanam consists of different types of herbs in various forms , chosen according to the condition of the patient and tied into a Poultice by using a cotton cloth, which is then heated by various modalities . The heated poultice is then dabbed with a rhythmic movement over a specific body part or all through the body to induse perspiration. Churna pinda swedanam is where medicinal powders are roasted and made into a bolus for application. The poultice is heated frequently by rubbing it over an iron tava which is consatntly placed over a minimal fire. The therapists rhythmically work in sequence to induce perspiration by applying the right amount of heat and pressure throughout the procedure.It is an unparalled treatment in treatemnt of Vata Kapha morbidity and in any conditions of pain, stiffness in joints and muscles.