
A medical procedure called an enema involves injecting a substance—typically a liquid—into the colon, Enemas aid in the detoxification of the system. The basic mechanism of enema is to irritate the lower colon which causes the enteric nervous system to initiate peristaltic movement, which in turn helps in the evacuation of stagnant, hardened stools.
Types of Enemas:
There are two categories of enemas.
Evacuation enemas: Used to cleanse the bowels, often before a medical procedure or to treat constipation. An evacuation enema is a simple form of enema that can be self administered using a enema can and luke warm water.
Retention enemas: Retention enemas are used to dissolve waste for simple expulsion, offer extra health benefits, or stay in the colon for a longer period of time to absorb medication or treat certain conditions.
Enemas can help in several ways
Bowel Cleansing: Enemas are commonly utilized for bowel cleansing,for the management of severe constipation.
Medication Delivery: Enemas can serve as a means of administering specific medications directly to the affected area, circumventing the digestive system.
Symptom Relief: In certain instances, enemas may offer relief from symptoms associated with conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.
Excessive use of enemas may result in electrolyte imbalances and colon irritation.ed
Enemas should not be utilized as a habitual replacement for maintaining healthy bowel function.
Prior to considering the use of an enema, it is advisable to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional to ascertain its appropriateness and to receive comprehensive instructions.