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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 



Avagaham means bath. Avagaham is Immersing oneself in a specifically formulated medicated decoction or oil for a prescribed period. 


The entire bathtub is filled with herbal decoction or any suitable liquid, such as milk, kashaya ,  or any other depending on the patient's condition and sickness.Abhyanga (massage) is conducted with prescribed medical oil  beginning around the umbilicus up to the thighs or across the body, depending on the physical state previous to treatment. In other cases, Abhyanga is not required.  As Avagaham is a therapeutic sudation procedure, the patient is instructed to sit or lie down in a tub containing therapeutic liquid such that the entire body up to the neck is submerged in the liquid most comfortably. The temperature is maintained throughout the procedure which is done for 15 - 20 mins, until adequate sudation is obtained. This method induces deep peace and relaxation in the body


  • Reduces joint stiffness & inflammation

  • Relieves muscle pain 

  • Alleviates vata in the body

  • Heals internal injuries

  • Helps with menstrual-related issues

  • Removes unnecessary fat 

  • Improves metabolism and hunger

  • Eliminated metabolic by-products through sweat

  • Relives stress and induces sleep


  • Neurological disorders like parkinsonism, Hemiplegia

  • Gastrointestinal disorders like constipation, Indigestion, Bloating

  • Gynecological disorders like UTI, Amenorrhoea

  • Spinal disorders like spondylosis, lumbago

  • Muscular disorders like Polymyalgia

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