Diabetes Complications (Neuropathy Retinopathy Nephropathy Ulcers)
Diabetes patients' increased blood glucose levels can lead to secondary disorders known as complications of diabetes. There are two categories of these complications: acute and chronic.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) lactic acidosis (LA) and hypoglycemia are examples of acute consequences which manifest quickly. Chronic problems often fall into two groups: microvascular and macrovascular and they progress over time. Neuropathy nephropathy and Retinopathy are examples of microvascular problems; peripheral vascular disease stroke and cardiovascular disease are examples of macrovascular complications. Neuropathy nephropathy and retinopathy; while cardiovascular disease stroke and peripheral vascular disease are included in the macrovascular complications
Risk factors that are both adjustable and non-modifiable may contribute to diabetic complications. Age at the beginning of diabetes type diabetes gender and heredity are non-modifiable risk variables identified. Among the risk factors that can be changed include
High blood pressure
Increased smoking
Lack of exercise.
Increased cholesterol
Slowly healing cuts or sores
Skin irritation or recurrent yeast infections
Recent increase or decrease in weight
Dark velvety skin changes in the groin armpit and neck Hands and feet
Numbness and tingling
Ayurvedic View
Prameha- Here the word prameha is derived from the root word 'mih sechane means watering, here it means urination, and 'pra' means in excess, in both frequency and quantity. Due to a sedentary lifestyle and consumption of food that is heavy, unctuous, newly harvested rice, curd, excess of sweet taste, etc, virudha ahara (incompatible food), adhyashana (intake of food before digestion of previous food), etc, causes aggravation of kapha dosha, which affects dhatus like medas (fat), mamsa (muscle),udaka (lymph), etc, along with low digestive power, these dushitha dhatus (vitiated body fluids and tissues) is taken down towards urinary system, causing diabetes. Due to the predominant dosha involved, there are various symptoms but the main symptom is the excretion of aavila mutra (unctuous or turbid urine) with a change in the normal color of urine. Ayurveda way of approach is to correct manda agni (metabolism), bring dosha back to prakruta avastha (healthy, balanced state), reduce the symptoms, and prevent complications by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment and medicine, guiding towards following of healthy diet and lifestyle.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Lepanam Takradhara Abhyangam Nadiswedanam Churna pinda swedanam Takradhara Kashayadhara Thalapodhichil Vamanam
Naturopathy Treatments
Enema Mud therapy Mud Pack Reflexology Chromotherapy Magnetotherapy Manipulative therapy Diet therapy Steam bath Packs Clinical yoga Pranayama Physiotherapy Electrotherapy.
Diabetes Complications (Neuropathy Retinopathy Nephropathy Ulcers)
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.