Obesity is defined differently depending on where you read it. Obesity and overweight generally denote a weight over what is considered healthy.
Obesity is a multifactorial chronic illness that can result in high body fat and occasionally poor health. Naturally excess body fat is not a disease. However, having too much extra fat in your body can affect how it functions. These alterations are progressive and may get worse with time and may have negative consequences on one's health.
A common definition of obesity is having too much body mass. An adult's BMI of 30 or greater is typically considered obese. As a medical term obesity is defined by body mass index or BMI (Body Mass Index). Severe obesity is formerly known as "morbid" Obesity. Obesity in children is compared to growth charts.
The following are some of the contributing factors for obesity:
Physiological influences
Food consumption and eating disorders
Weight history
The risk factors are:
An unhealthy diet
A sedentary way of life
Medications are used to treat mental health issues and medications similar to steroids.
Not getting enough sleep
Giving up smoking
Above-average body weight.
Problems sleeping
Sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing is irregular and frequently stops during sleep.
Varicose Veins
Skin problems are caused by moisture that accumulates in the folds of your skin.
Osteoarthritis in weight-bearing joints, particularly the knees.
Ayurvedic View
Sthoulya- its a metabolic disease manifestation means in ayurveda it refers to impaired agni (digestive fire -that is responsible for digestion ,assimilation). Its main dosha involved is kapha and dushya is meda dhatu (fat tissue). Causes like avyayama (lack of exercise-sedentary life style), day sleeping etc, and other factors in food and life style which increase kapha dosha, all leads to agni mandhya (low digestion ) which results in formation of aama (toxin which causes disease), these causes leads to excess of vitiated meda dhatu (fat tissue) and muscle tissue vruddhi (quantitative increase) which further blocks all srotas (channels), stops the nourishment of the other dhatus like asthi (bone tissues), majja (nutrient part inside bone), shukra (semen,sperm), which in turn leads to depletion of these tissues and excess increase of fat tissue, this is obesity where person finds difficult in carrying out daily tasks, vata dosha in koshta (digestive sysyem) stimulates the digestive fire more and inturn person has excess cravings of food and thus there is continuing of this the vitiated cycle. Ayurveda way of approach is to correct agni (metabolism), bring dosha back to balance state, break this vitiated cycle- of increased craving of food and increase in abnormal rise of unhealthy body tissues- reduce the unhealthy weight gain, improve healthy formation of dhatus (tissues), reduce the associated symptoms by ayuvedic panchakarma treatment and guiding towards follow of healthy food and life style, yoga for calm mind and healthy physically fit body. This way patient attains the levelled BMI (weight loss achieved in healthy way).
Ayurvedic Treatments
Udhwarthanam Bashpa Swedanam Kashaya dhara Snehanam Vamanam Virechanam Churna pinda swedanam Nasyam Matra vasti Pinda swedam
Naturopathy Treatments
Hip bath Immersion bath Enema Steam bath Sauna bath Sun bath Diet therapy Clinical yoga Exercise therapy Pranayama
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.