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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 



"Udwarthanam," which comes from Sanskrit, 'Urdhwa' means 'upward' and ' Varthanam' means 'to move' ."Udwarthanam" Thus meaning 'moving upward', is a classical procedure of ayurveda adopted to mobilise the excess fat in the body. The process involves the blending  of Various herbal powders which are efficiently rubbed from below the body towards up, with tolerable friction in order to dislodge the fat and the kapha that blocks the channels in the body.

The origins of Udwarthanam can be found in the ancient texts of Ayurveda, a natural treatment method that dates back 5,000 years. This treatment was created by Ayurvedic researchers to balance the body's three doshas, or energies: Pitta, Kapha, and Vata.Udwarthanam uses dry herbal powders instead of oils, which are the main ingredient in other Ayurvedic massages. The individual's dosha type and particular health concerns are taken into consideration when selecting these powders.

Ingredients in Udwarthanam

A variety of herbs and medicinal plants are combined to make the powders used in Udwarthanam. These components have special qualities that address various physical ailments and dosha imbalances. The Udwarthanam mixture frequently contains herbs like,

  • Triphala - For improved metabolism

  • Dry ginger - For mobilising the adipose tissue acts as kaphahara

  • Turmeric - Prevents cellulitis and brings lusture to skin

  • Neem - Anti bacterial and reduces vata

  • Amla - Enriches the skin and gives a glow  and improves blood circulation.

  • Horse gram - Burns fat tissue

Every herb has unique medicinal qualities, including improved blood circulation, cleansing, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Types of Udwarthanam

Udgarshana ( Ruksha - Dry) : It is the dry method of Udwarthanam where the dry powder alone is used for the process. Powders of Soapnut, Triphala are used for udgarshana. This method produces maximum dryness in the body.

Utsaadana ( Snigdha - Unctuous) : This is a form where the herbal powder used for the process is mixed with some unctuous form such as oil or kashaya to make into a paste. Utsadhana can employed in conditions where the skin is too sensitive to uptake Udgarshana in its extremely dry form. Utsaadana improves beauty and complexion when given in women.

Udwarthana ( Snigdha - Ruksha - partly unctuous and partly dry) : The powder used for this purpose is fired in very less quantity of oil before being rubbed onto the body.

How it is done?

Preparing the patient: The patient is thoroughly examined. The prakriti( Basic constitution) and Vikruti (the imbalance) are clearly listed out before choosing the drug of choice. The head is covered with a cap and mask is provided for the patient to cover the nose and mouth.

Preparation for the treatment: Herbs needed for the treatment are collected , dried and powdered. suitable Taila( medicated oil) is then chosen.

Abhyanga: Abhyanga is done using warm medicated oils for 15 -20 mins in certain conditions prior to the procedure of Udwarthanam.

Udwarthana: The procedure is carried out by two well trained masseurs simultaneously in synchronisation on both sides of the body when the patient is laid down in supine position.

Rubbing: The mixed herbal powders are heaped inbetween the legs of the patient.Rubbing begins with the powder being rubbed  over the body  in a reverse direction centripetally.

Positions: The procedure is carried out by placing the patient in seven different positions for a duration of 1 hour.

Cleansing and Steaming: Post treatment the body is cleaned using a soft towel or tissue.A thin layer of oil is smeared over the body on completion to prepare the patient for steaming.

Bathing: The patient is advised to take bath after 1 hour of treatment using hot water with herbal bathing powders. Soaps and other lather foaming ingredients musnt be used for bathing.

Benefits of Udwarthanam

  • It stabilises and Normalises the Agni

  • Aids in the mobilisation of subcutaneous fat

  • Increase the body meatabolism by inducing heat and sweat

  • Alleviates heaviness in body by reducing water retention.

  • Helps improve taste in the buds

  • Gives lusture and shine and improves the complexion

  • Opens the blocked eliminating channels of sweat and sebaceous glands

  • Removes drowsiness and brings activeness and freshness to the body and mind.

Who can undergo udwarthanam?

  • People with obesity and dyslipidemia

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Hypercholestremia 

  • Diabetes

  • Diabetic Neuropathy

  • PCOS

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Sciatica

  • Cushing's Syndrome

  • Parkinsonism and other motor neuron disease

  • And those who experience Laziness, Lethargy, Drowsy and Sleepy feeling and sluggisg metabolism.

Indications for Udwarthanam

  • High pitta conditions

  • Skin Allergy 

  • Fever 

  • Inflammation and redness over the body

  • Osteo arthritis

  • Acute skin diseases

  • Intestinal disorders

  • Open wounds, cuts and burns.

  • Dry skin 

  • Old age people, Pregnant women and kids.

  • Malnourished and emaciated

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