Anuvasana Vasti - Anuvasana means to stay; here, the medicated oils or fats are administered as an enema through urethral, vaginal, and anal routes, particularly for Vata imbalance disorders and it helps detoxify the body and repair the damage. This is indicated for lubricating and nourishing the lower gastrointestinal tract, treating constipation and dryness, alleviating sciatic and back pains, treating metabolic and digestive disorders, and removing obstructions. It is effective for neurological, skin, autoimmune, obesity and gynecological disorders. Kashaya vasti - Kashaya Vasti is also called as niruha basti, were kashaya or herbal decoction is used as a medication for enema where niruha means to eliminate. rheumatism, gastric problems, relieves sciatic pain, numbness and pain are reduced by stimulating the nerves, relieves osteoporosis pain, pacifies vata dosha hence curing vaatik diseases, hyper acidity etc It is done primarily in the vitiation of vata dosha and abdominal disorders. Mustadi yapana basti - Mustadi yapana basti is a form of yapana basti (ayurvedic enema) that is used to increase strength , provide nutrients to muscles and gonads and is effective in all aliments related to shukra or semen. Its a nourishing vasti used to promote the quality and quantity of semen. It provides strength and improves muscle mass especially of the genital area. it also helps corect oligozoospemia, other infertility issues pertaining to men and women. Niruha vasti - Niruha vasti is medicated enema were medicated herbal decoctions are used to reduce the vata dosha through effective cleansing of the colon, the decoction softens the stool and enhances the bowel movement and provides immediate relief from constipation. It eliminates the accumulated toxins called ama from the body and corrects the digestion. Matra vasti - Matra basti is a type of sneha basti which is performed to normalize the derranged vata in digestive tract. It improves the digestive strength, releases the excess gas in the colon, helps in easy elimination of bowels and restores general well being. Medicated oil or ghee of various types, in specific quantity are injected into the anus using matra yantra. The injected medicament is retained in the anus for a duration tolerable by the patient and is then passed out on the urge to defecate. Greeva vasti /Merudanda vasti - Greeva refers to the neck and basti means ' holding in place' . Greeva vasti is oil pooling done over the Cervical region of the spine. The treatment is aimed at eliminating the vata diseases of the neck. A pool of warm medicated oil is held in place by constructing a small circular trough using dough. It helps to relieve neck strain , pain , inflammation and cervical disc herniation. It improves the neck mobility and blood supply to shoulders and arms. Kati vasti - kati refers to the waist or back of the body, the procedure is performed by retaining hot medicated oil for a specified duration especially over the lumbosacral region. it is an effective ayurvedic treatment which isvery helpful in relieving back pain. this specialized therapy nourishes the nerves and it hence used in treating various ailments like spondylosis, sciatica and musculoskletal disorders. Janu vasti - janu means knees and vasti means retaining or pooling. This effective treatment for the knees is done by retaining medicated herbal oils over the knee joint for a period which helps to improve the blood circulation to the knees. More over it provides intense relief from pain and inflammation,effectively remedies acute to chronic disorders of knee it is also a preventive measure for healthy individuals to stay away from mobility and degenerative disorders. Urovasti - Urovasti treats the ailments in the 'uras' or the chest region. The compartment to hold the medicated oil is built using a dough over the region of the chest. This localized procedure is especially used to treat kapha and vata disorders. The therapy has extremely healing and soothing effects over the muscles, joints, bones and the underlying organs like the lungs airways and heart. The Healing effect of urovasti alleviates pain, congestion of airways, nourishes the heart, enhances local circulation and hence indicated in conditions such as bronchitis, asthma, dry cough, dyspnoea and other seasonal disorders relating to the lungs. When this therapy is localized to the pericardial region its called Hridhaya vasti which is usually indicated in patients with heart disorders like palpitation and valve diseases.
(Anuvasana vasti, Chakravasti,Sthanika vasti, Kashya vasti, Mustapana yapana vasti, Niruha vasti, Matra vasti , Greeva vasti, Kati vasti, Janu vasti, Uro vasti, Prishta vasti, Uttara vasti