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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 

Allergic Dermatitis

Do you get red, itching rashes around your ankles hours after trekking in the woods? Have you worn a new necklace and developed a rash on your neck? Has a beach afternoon left you with hives all over your face? If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, then you have developed an Allergic dermatitis. Allergic dermatitis is a skin ailment brought on by exposure to anything to which one is allergic or sensitive.


This skin illness develops when something touches your skin and either irritates it or triggers an allergic reaction. Itchy skin frequently appears first, then a rash. The rash will appear. Usually pink or crimson, the area is irritating. In severe situations, Blisters could also be visible. Blisters filled with clear fluid may develop from contact dermatitis, which might seem flat or elevated. These rashes don't often appear right away after exposure, however, some people react to them faster than others.


Many different allergens can produce allergic contact dermatitis, which necessitates at least two independent exposures. The person becomes more sensitive to the agent in issue after the first exposure, and the rash appears after the second encounter. Common allergies include,

  • Adhesives, such as those used for toupees or fake eyelashes. 

  • Antibiotics are applied topically to the skin, like neomycin. 

  • Textiles and apparel, encompassing materials and colors. 

  • Scents are found in moisturizers, soaps, cosmetics, and fragrances. 

  • Hair coloring, permanent wave treatments, and nail paint. 

  • Nickel or other metals (found in powder compacts, lipstick holders, Buttons, watch bands, metal zips, bra hooks, and buttons). 

  • Among plants are poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. 

  • Latex or rubber gloves and shoes. 

  • Preservatives in over-the-counter topical medications and Food additives and coloring Formaldehyde is a substance found in many industrial goods.


Not every case of allergic contact dermatitis results in an immediate cutaneous reaction. Alternatively, symptoms could appear anywhere between Twelve and seventy-two hours after exposure. Allergy-induced contact dermatitis symptoms include,

  • Skin that feels burning but doesn't have any obvious skin sores 

  • Blistering spots that may flow 

  • Dry, scaly skin hives - Itchy red skin that can appear in patches of sun sensitivity 

  • If the skin is cut or broken, there may be pain, and the region is typically highly delicate. After exposure, these symptoms may persist for two to four weeks.

Ayurvedic View

Udarda,sheetha pitta,shataru-Here the word sheetha means cold, and pitta means warm. Due to following nidana (causes) like excess intake of katu(pungent), amla(sour), lavana rasa(salty food), diva swapna (day sleep), sheeta vayu samparsha(exposure to cold wind), keeta damsha(insect bite) vata and kapha dosha aggravate along with pitta dosha, then spreads over body leading to rashes on the skin surface. Symptoms there will be kandu(itching), toda(pricking sensation), rakta (redness over lesion), daha(burning sensation), etc. Ayurveda way of approach is to know and correct the root cause of disease, bring dosha back to balance, heal the lesion, and bring about natural healthy skin in the patient.

Ayurvedic Treatments

Vamanam  Virechanam   Kashya vasti   Jaluka Vacharnam   Lepanam   Swedanam

Naturopathy Treatments

Sun Bath   Steam bath   Hip bath   Enema   Immersion bath   Mud therapy   Fasting therapy  Hijama therapy

Allergic Dermatitis

Treatment for 

DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.

Results of our Treatment

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