Blepharitis, also known as granulated eyelids, is a common occular inflammatory condition that affects the corners of the eyelids.
Blepharitis itself may not lead to vision loss, but it can result in long-term changes to the margin of the eyelid, which are mainly caused by bacterial infection and inflammation from congested meibomian oil glands and can be classified as seborrheic, staphylococcal, mixed, posterior, meibomitis, or parasitic according to the cause.
Blepharitis can be caused by dysfunction of the meibomian gland, which results in clogged, oily eyelids that inflame and infect. Conditions that cause Meibomian gland blockage include,
Dandruff on the eyebrows and scalp
Infection with bacteria, and mites in the eyelashes and eyebrows.
Rosacea causes facial skin irritation and inflammation.
Allergic responses to certain eye drugs, contact lens solutions, or cosmetics.
The symptoms of blepharitis include
Watery, red, burning eyes,
Eyelids that appear greasy,
Itchy eyelids
Red swollen eyes
Sensitivity to light
Coated eyelashes adhering to the eyelids.
Flaking of the skin surrounding the eyes
Blurred vision often gets better with blinking.
Ayurvedic View
Krimi granthi-Its place of occurrence is taken as vartama pakshama sandhi gata roga, which means the meeting place of eyelids and eyelashes caused by krimi (infection) and it also affects vartama shukla gata sandhi means meeting place of eyelids and sclera, it causes sukshama (small), granthi (cysts) in these areas along with itching, this disease is blepharitis due to bacterial infection. If left untreated the disease can progress further and destroy structures of the eye and cause vision loss. Ayurveda way of approach is to treat the root cause of this disease, prevent further progression of this disease, to treat impaired vision by following ayurvedic shalakhya treatment.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Prakshalanam Lepanam Anjanam Sekam Aschothanam
Naturopathy Treatments
Mud pack Eye Packs Chromotherapy Magnetotherapy Kriyas Vision Training.
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.