Receding Gums
Gum recession is a gum disease where gum tissue pulls away from teeth, exposing roots. Teeth become vulnerable to decay, infection, and loss as gums recede.
When gums recede or are pushed back, the tooth roots are visible, making them more sensitive and vulnerable to cavities and infections that can be mild, moderate, or severe. Gums may also pull away from a tooth if it is positioned abnormally.
Gingival recession can be caused by various factors such as,
Excessive brushing
Improper flossing
Tobacco use
Abnormal tooth position
Lip or tongue piercings
Dental plaques
Periodontal disease
Trauma and misalignment
Gum recession symptoms include
Increased tooth sensitivity
Longer teeth with a pocket or notch on the gum line.( It's most apparent when tooth root exposure is present)
Warning signs include
Sensitivity to heat
Cold, and sweets
Sensitivity during brushing and dental cleanings.
Ayurvedic View
Sheetada- it is considered as disease affecting danta moola (gums). Due to aggravated vata dosha , when person intakes kapha aggravating food like curd, aquatic animal, meat etc, this aggravated doshas enter the dantamoola (gums), causing loosening of teeth, premature falling of teeth, infection of exposed tooth etc, this is receding gums. Ayurveda way of approach is to bring dosha back to balance, reduce the symptoms by ayurvedic purification treatment and local treatment done for mukha roga (disease of oral cavity) and guiding towards oral hygiene.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Abhyanga Nasyam Gandoosam Virechanam Raktamokshanam
Naturopathy Treatments
Enema Acupuncture Diet therapy Clinical yoga Pranayama
Receding Gums
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.