Ear Wax
Normally, earwax moves toward the ear opening and is washed or fallen out, but occasionally, too much earwax can accumulate and be difficult to remove. This is known as impacted cerumen or excessive earwax.
Cerumen, or earwax, is essential to maintaining healthy ears. It keeps your ears clean and shields them from debris, infection, and dust. Earwax, despite its benefits, can cause issues like ear pain, itchiness, and hearing loss if too much accumulates. Healthcare providers can assist with earwax removal when needed.
Earwax blockages occur when excessive wax production or inadequate clearing occurs, dry or hard earwax, a lot of ear hair, narrow ear canals, frequent earplug use, or often resulting from attempts to remove earwax using cotton swabs.
Earwax blockage can cause symptoms like earache, fullness, pain, hearing loss, tinnitus, ear itchiness, discharge or odor coming from your ears, ear infection and dizziness.
Ayurvadic Treatment:
Dhoopanam, Prakshalanam, Karnaporanam, Virechanam
Naturopathy Treatment:
Enema, Athapasthana, Ear steaming, Kriyas