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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 

Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia gravis is a chronic neuromuscular disease that causes weakness in the voluntary muscles. Voluntary muscles include muscles that connect to a person’s bones muscles in the face throat and diaphragm.


Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disorder primarily characterized by muscle weakness and muscle fatigue. Although the disorder usually becomes apparent during adulthood, symptom onset may occur at any age. The condition may be restricted to certain muscle groups, particularly those of the eyes (ocular myasthenia), or may become more generalized (generalized myasthenia gravis) involving multiple muscle groups.


Myasthenia gravis (autoimmune type) happens when your body’s immune system mistakenly attacks itself. Researchers aren’t sure why this happens. Studies suggest that certain immune system cells in your thymus gland have trouble identifying what’s a threat to your body (like bacteria or viruses) versus healthy components. A genetic change causes congenital myasthenia. Antibodies passed from a birthing parent to a fetus during pregnancy cause neonatal myasthenia.


  • Double vision and drooping eyelids (ptosis) are the most common first symptoms 

  • Breathing difficulty because of the weakness of the chest wall muscles 

  • Chewing or swallowing difficulty causing frequent gagging choking or drooling 

  • Difficulty climbing stairs lifting objects or rising from a seated position 

  • Difficulty talking

  • Drooping head 

  • Facial paralysis or weakness of the facial muscles 

  • Fatigue 

  • Hoarseness or changing voice 

  • Difficulty maintaining a steady gaze

Ayurvedic View

snayu gata vata - Due to following of nidana (causes that aggravate vata dosha, this vikruta prakupita (aggravated), vyana vata dosha takes sthana samshraya (settles in), snayu (which is connected to motor movetments), mamsa (muscle tissue) which causes twitching pain, weakness which can cause difficulty in good functioning and movement of the body, this disease is myasthenia gravis. Ayurveda way of approach is to bring dosha back to prakruta awastha (balance state) in guna (quality), sthana (place), karma (function), help in rehabilitate the affected part by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment.

Ayurvedic Treatments

Abhyangam   Pachanam   Navara pinda swedanam     Bashpa swedam   Vasti     Pinda swedam   Nasya     Virechanam    Shiro dhara

Naturopathy Treatments

Acupuncture   Physiotherapy   Electrotherapy  Chiropractic  Spinal bath    

Myasthenia Gravis

Treatment for 

DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.

Results of our Treatment

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