Putapakam is a paschat karma ( post treatment ) procedure adopted for patients after the panchakarma cleansing procedure called Tarpanam.The tri-dosha principle—Pitta, Kapha, and Vata—is intricately intertwined into the standards in the origins of Putapakam. The goal of the treatment is to bring these energies into harmony, and when they are, you may experience true health.
According to scholarly teachings in Ayurveda, Putapakam specifically targets the asthi-dhatu (muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow, and semen) to provide optimal vigor and nourishment. This is procedure done after the main treatment ensures the restoration of strength to eyes as it done using the juices extracted from herbs or flesh of meat and cooked with milk.
There are three types of Puṭapāka:
Snehana-puṭapāka (fatty type),
Lekhana -puṭapāka (scraping type),
Ropana - Putapaka (soothing type)
How it is processed?
Using jambū-leaves and other materials, the drug is pounded and stored in a confined area.
It has mud-paste two fingers thick on top and is securely fastened with threads or ropes.
It is then kept between cow dungs and roasted over fire until it gets red hot. After that, it is removed and left to chill.
The cooked drug is mashed till the juice is extracted.
Benefits of Putapaka
Dry eyes
Refractive defects
Night blindness
Corneal ulcers
Optic neuritis
Putapaka can also clear blockages, boost circulation, and increase cell production.
It is done in various disease of eye such and other chronic inflammation of the eye.