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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 



Pichu is named after the medicated cloth fold that is applied over the patient during the procedure. A palliative therapy and a unique technique that provides gentle relief for everything right from anxiety to pain and inflammation. Pichu, one of the Purvakarma therapies, is extensively used in natural treatment to correct disorders of the cranial nerves arising from Vata disorder. Hence it is prescribed for individuals suffering from any type of pain, fractures, and dislocations. But it is also used to bring calmness and stress relief. The type of oils can be varied to obtain specific benefits.

Types of Pichu

Greeva(Neck region) Pichu 

This applied over the neck region to treat Neck stiffness, Cervical spondylosis, tinnitus, Spondylitis and other degenerative disorders of the neck.

Nabi(Umbilical area) Pichu 

Applied over the umblicus to correct the apana vayu and therby improve the digestion. Also used to treat constipation, bloating, stomach pain, mennorhagia, Burning micturation, urinary incontinenceetc.

Shiro(Head) Pichu

Shiropichu is applied over the top of the head. This therapy is known for providing gentle relief for various conditions such as stress, anxiety, fear, depression and other vata imbalances. It is often recommended for individuals dealing with stressful circumstances associated with lack of sleep, as part of natural treatment methods.

Janu (knee) Pichu

Janupichu is made to the knee area in cases of osteoarthritis,ligament tear, post injury, swelling and inflammatory conditions of the knee.

Kati (Lower Back) Pichu

Kati pichu is done over the lower back to treat disorders like spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, Lumbago, Disc prolapse, Stiffness of the lower back.

Yoni( Vaginal) Pichu

The pichu when made onto the vaginal opening is yoni is efficient in treating sula (pain), strengthening the vaginal muscles, improve hygiene, decreased menstrual flow and other conditions like recurrent miscarriages,infertility,ulcers and post menopausal dryness.

Benefits of Pichu Treatment 

  • Reduces burning sensation on the scalp and other scalp ailments; relieves persistent headaches and sleeplessness 

  • It reduces headaches and migraines and stops hair loss, split hair, and early graying of the hair.

  • It promotes sleep, enhances memory, reduces eye strain and neck stiffness, and treats psychiatric and neurological conditions, such as facial palsy and paralysis. 

  • Treats for paralysis Lumbar and cervical spondylosis 

  • Balances the fire in the stomach 

  • Regulates food intake

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