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All of us have endured stomach aches multiple times in our lives. It could have been due to spoiled food, untimely ingestion, or even due to overeating.

We usually take medicines or abstain from having food for some time till the indigestion is naturally cured.

Apart from the usual stomach aches, there is a group of diseases that come under acid peptic disorders that cause excruciating stomach pain and ulcers.

Let us find out more about it

Know more about Acid Peptic Disorders

We are very well acquainted with the fact that our stomach releases various acids for the proper digestion of ingested food. The acid released might affect the mucosal lining of the stomach but it has its defence mechanism.

Now when there is an imbalance in this arrangement, that is, there is either excessive acid release or the mucosal guards are down causing damage to the lining.

Gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux disorders are the diseases that come under acid peptic disorders. Gastric ulcer is an ulcer formation in the lesser curvature of the stomach and duodenal ulcer occurs in the duodenum.

GERD occurs when food and acid regurgitate towards the oesophagus.

Causes of Acid Peptic Disorders

The following factors can trigger acid peptic disorders:

  • Stress

  • Eating spicy, sour, salty food in excess

  • Untimely food habits

  • Chronic fasting

  • Chronic use of NSAIDs

  • Eating unwholesome food in excess

  • Not drinking enough water

  • Bacterial infection by Helicobacter      pylori

  • Overeating

  • Eating food before the previous meal is      completely digested

A surfeit of other factors may also cause acid peptic disorders and present symptoms accordingly.

Signs and Symptoms of Acid Peptic Disorders

The following are the usual symptoms seen in patients with acid peptic disorders:

  • Heartburn

  • Burning pain in the chest and stomach

  • Severe abdominal pain

  • Feeling sick

  • Nausea

  • Burping

  • Flatulence

  • Bleeding in case it is chronic

  • Dark coloured bowel

  • Either hunger pain (duodenal ulcer) or      pain immediately after ingestion of food (gastric ulcer)

The symptoms get serious over time if left undiagnosed and untreated.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Acid Peptic Disorders

In our body, digestion is maintained by the Agni (digestive fire). Agni is pitta dosha predominant. Ayurveda firmly believes in the fact that every disease manifested in the body is due to the vitiation of Agni that affects the other doshas and aggravates the disease.

This Agni when in its normal state is called Sama Agni. But when the Agni gets vitiated it becomes Vishama and produces indigested matter that further vitiates the body with toxins.

The Ayurvedic correlation of acid peptic disorders is :

  • Gastric ulcer – annadrava shoola

  • Duodenal ulcer – parinama shoola

  • GERD – amplapitta

Let us find the ayurvedic treatment for acid peptic disorders.

The following protocol can be used to treat acid peptic disorders :

  • Intake of tikta(bitter) and ruksha(dry)      drugs

  • Then intake of tikta (bitter) and madhura      (sweet) drugs

  • Milk medicated with drugs of sweet and      bitter taste for internal use

  • Virechana (purgation)

  • Vasti (enema)

  • Shirolepa – medicated paste application      on the head

  • Takradhara – medicated buttermilk is      poured over the forehead

Ayurveda also advises the following for the maintenance of proper agni :

  • Timely food habit

  • Not indulging in spicy, sour, salty food      in excess

  • Eating healthy food

  • Keep the body hydrated

  • Proper sleep

These are the general methods of treatment.


Punarva rigidly believes in the Ayurvedic methods of treatment. Acknowledging the importance of agni in the body, the physicians in Punarva begin the treatment by balancing the agni in the body. Along with this, they move further with the respective treatments.

Having treated lakhs of patients, the treatment provided by Punarva is unmatchable. Having attained innumerable achievements in the field of medicine, Punarva does not deter from providing only the best.

Punarva Natural Healthcare Centre

 +91 8870037888 |+91 9363242525

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